Wednesday 13 March 2013


Monday 7 November 2011


tomorrow is my exam day~~
haizz....quite worry
am i study hard enough?
am i going to pass?
am i going to fail?
And this just become my question,who gonna answer it for me?
I have to...answer it myself
No wonder the answers are wrong or false,i just gonna accept everything.
May God bless me...

Saturday 13 August 2011

Whoa....wake so late today!around ten o'clock,this make me feel a little bit dizzy.later do nothing because i don't feel like to do something.
today,i wake up around eight o'clock in the morning just to attend the event that seems bored for me.What a perfect Saturday and it was ruined by the silly quiz!Although the quiz was held for forty-five minutes,but it really tortured me.After went back to my room,i take a quick nap for two hours.But still very tired.Sometimes,i ask myself why i was so.........can't describe what i want to say...

Friday 12 August 2011


after go shopping for half day at the town,i feel really tired...
i don't know why,but everything is making me crazy!
I'm wondering that can i survive through this hard time...
God,help me and guide me to the right path.